Form Pengisian Data di sini Brosur bisa didownload di sini A. Masa pendaftaran Jalur Tanpa Test: 1 Maret s/d 12 Mei 2019 B. Persyaratan: Tamatan SLTA 2019. Fotocopy rapor 5 semester. Rata-rata nilai semester 8 atau lebih dari 8
Category: Berita Umum
TOEIC Workshop in SMTI Padang: UNIDHA’s English Department Community Service
As the world becomes much “smaller” and more “connected” by the advancement of information technology, the number of language employed in international communication becomes less diverse. This phenomenon is observable through the rise of English in the last 50 years. Today, English has garnered an unofficial title as the world’s lingua franca. In the business […]
English Department’s Community Service: English for Tourism and Online Promotion Workshop for POKDARWIS IPWGBK
With its natural and ancient artificial sites whose aesthetic qualities are impossible to quantify and hundreds of ethnicity, language, as well as culture spread across thousands of its islands, Indonesia definitely has more than what it takes, in terms of basic potential, to be one of the world’s biggest players in the tourism industry. Of […]
TOEFL Workshop in MA PGAI: UNIDHA’s English Department Community Service
Navigating the world without possessing proper English skills in today’s world has turned into a significantly arduous affair. A sizable part of the world’s information can be lost on people who lack the ability to process information communicated through English. Thus, it is unsurprising that many institutions, organizations, companies, and higher education institutions necessitate their […]
English Department Students’ Achievements at 2018 FKU
Festival Kreativitas Unidha (FKU) is one of the biggest annual events for students at Unidha. The event is organized mostly by Student Executive Bodies and Committees. Traditionally, it is held for about three days in the middle or end of December. FKU is where registered students at Unidha from all majors exhibit their innovative ideas […]
Curriculum Workshop for UNIDHA’s English Department Lecturers
The concepts of globalization and free market have been saturating discussions in the academic sphere in Indonesia for more than two decades. Whilst they were quite frequently employed in many pedagogy-related talks, articles, and books in the past, they seemed to possess menial demand to warrant immediate answers regarding an unprecedented increase of the level […]
Dokumentasi ROADSHOW/Pengabdian Masyarakat SASING UNIDHA
(Pic 1: SMA 1 Enam Linkung, Pariaman)
Workshop Penulisan Feature Stories dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Pembuatan Blog di Empat SMA di Kota Padang dan Pariaman
Sebagai agen peningkatan sumber daya manusia di negara ini melalui kegiatan pendidikan, staff pengajar program studi Sastra Inggris mengunjungi beberapa SMA di kota Padang dan Pariaman untuk memberikan pelatihan penulisan dalam Bahasa Inggris dengan tema “Workshop Penulisan Feature Stories Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Pembuatan Blog Untuk pelajar SMA”. Pelatihan Bahasa Inggris ini diadakan di dua […]
Penerimaan Mahasiwa Baru Tahun 2018
Jadwal Pendaftaran Mahasiswa Baru Tahun 2018 Jalur Tes Gelombang 1 Waktu Pendaftaran : 1 Maret – 12 Juli 2018 Testing : 14 Juli 2017 Pengumuman Hasil : 16 Juli 2018 Jadwal Daftar Ulang : 16 – 27 Juli 2018 Gelombang 2 Waktu Pendaftaran : 17 Juli – 23 Agustus 2018 Testing : 25 Agustus […]
Total prize of 2 million rupiahs will be awarded to those of you high schoolers with the ability to compose an interesting and captivating essay in English. Tell us about your passions or your hobbies and dreams for the future.