“Kuliah untuk mendapatkan kerja” adalah paradigma yang telah lama dikultivasi oleh masyarakat umum dan akademik sehingga praktikalitas dari ilmu-ilmu yang ditawarkan oleh Perguruan Tinggi menjadi pertimbangan utama atau bahkan satu-satunya pertimbangan masyarakat dalam menentukan program studi yang akan dipilih. Karena paradigma ini sudah sangat populer, program studi non-STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, dan Math), terutama program […]
Tag: unidha

Panel Discussion “Endangered Languages and the method of Solving Them
On December 16, 2019, English Department of Dharma Andalas University organized a Panel Discussion with titled ” Endangered Languages and the Method of Solving Them”. The speaker on that discussion is Muhammed Ourang, B.A., M.A., (Phd. Candidate at New South Wales University, Australia).

Workshop Metodologi Penelitian Bidang Imu Sosial
LPPM Universitas Dharma Andalas (UNIDHA) mengundang beberapa dosen Program Studi Ilmu Sosial di lingkungan Unidha untuk mengikuti workshop Metodologi Penelitian Bidang Imu Sosial Bagi Dosen dan Peneliti Universitas Dharma Andalas yang berlangsung pada tanggal 31 Juli 2019 di Gedung C Unidha. Workshop ini mengundang Bpk. Hafiz Rahman, PhD sebagai pembicara utama. Workshop ini juga dihadiri […]

English Department’s Lecturers Attended Website Management Coaching
On July 5, 2019, two lecturers of the English Department at Dharma Andalas University (Unidha) participated in website management coaching accompanied by some lecturers of Information System Unidha. The website management coaching began with the opening by the Unidha Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Deddi Prima Putra, Apt. The coaching participants were attended by two represented lecturers […]

Community Service Team from UNIDHA English Department Visited SMAN 15 Padang
On Wednesday, 8th February 2017, English Department teaching staff from UNIDHA organized a TOEFL workshop for high-school students at SMAN 15 Padang. The workshop was held in the school’s spacious Musholla. One of the school’s vice principles, Drs. Erman Siswadi, M.Si, introduced the team and gave a short talk to the students before the workshop […]

Community Service at SMA Adabiah Padang
After organizing TOEFL workshop eight hours away from home in Kerinci, English Department teaching staff from UNIDHA continued their work in their home-base, Padang. This time, the team visited SMA Adabiah. The workshop was held on 31th January 2017.

English Department Teaching Staff Organized a TOEFL Workshop at SMA 4 Kerinci
After completing TOEFL workshop at SMA 4 Sungai Penuh, UNIDHA’s English Department Community Service team, now headed by Yalmiadi, S.S., M.Pd, continued their schedule to hold another workshop at SMA 4 Kerinci on the same day. The team arrived at the school in the afternoon. The principle greeted the team and, due to the time […]

TOEFL Workshop at SMA 4 Sungai Penuh
On 21th January 2017, English Department teaching staff from UNIDHA visited SMA 4 Sungai Penuh with the intention of doing a community service in the form of an English workshop. The workshop was aimed at providing the students with information about TOEFL, useful strategies for achieving satisfying score in TOEFL PBT (Paper-Based Test), as well […]

Introducing TOEFL to Highschool Students
Samuel Clemens, also known as Mark Twain, once said “Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint.” It doesn’t take an Einstein to see that misunderstanding well-printed and well-written health books could cause similar effect. The same can be said about misunderstanding books, articles, or written documents containing other kinds of […]