NIDN 1006047703
Jabatan Asisten Ahli
- S1 Sastra Inggris Universitas Andalas
- S2 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris UNP
Keilmuan Linguistik
Peminatan Riset Semantics, Sociolinguistics, English Teaching
- A Preliminary Study of the Forms and the Causal Variables of Code-Mixing (English and Indonesian Language) Among Lecturers and Students as Found in Lectures: A Case Study at Unand. 2000. (Unpublished Undergraduate Thesis in 2000).
- An Analysis of Students’ Skill in Using Lexical Collocations in English Descriptive Writing at English Department Padang State Polytechnic. Arbitrer. Vol. 3 No.1. 2016
- Impoliteness of College Student Short Message Service Toward the Lecturer. Jurnal Gramatika Volume 4.2 (241-261). Tahun 2018
- Developing English Language Learning Materials (ELLMs) for the 1st Year Economic Students at Dharma Andalas University. TELL-US Journal, Vol. 5, Issue 1. Tahun 2019
- International Conference on Language and Art Tahun 2018